About Us

Andy Kirchoff
From day 1, Andy has been here for guidance, passion, design, and
occasionally riding a bike. A cycling enthusiast for over 35 years.
Andy’s life has always been dedicated to helping others, and these days
it’s helping others find their best ride.

Joshua Cook
STS is proud of our master craftsman. Josh is an excellent frame builder. If he’s not building frames, he's riding a bike. Josh is a family guy and a good dude. The nicest guy, no really, it’s real.

Jakub Henriksen (Speedy Sloth)
The best nickname in cycling, the Speedster is the best. One of our sales reps, development guys, social media guys, and just one of our guys. Jakub wants everyone to ride and have a great time doing it. He has also set the record for most pictures taken on a 20 mile ride, 85,568 pic. Mostly cows.

Greg Cook
Our details man. Greg keeps us on the straight and narrow. Yes, he is Josh’s dad and father of ___ more, along with a grandfather of . A dedicated family guy with a desire to get the most out of life. He is often involved in dropping the young guys on rides.

Terry Gwinnup
Serial entrepreneur, TG is a self made man. Terry is the co-founder of STS. Passion for innovation, treating people right, and living with no fear describes how he has molded this bike company. Why not? Why not us? Why not in the USA!!!

Brettany Cudworth
An artist. Brettany never dreamed of painting bikes, she’s just creative and doesn’t know when to run when Andy comes asking favors. If you dream it, she can probably do it.

Tom Southwood
A short ride for Tom involves multiple states. He has already checked riding across the USA off his bucket list. Tom has received the K-Hound award in Randonneuring for completing more miles than God. Co-designer of the Crusader, our engineer and the man that says, yes we can do that. Whatever that is.